The Podcast as a teaching tool in the Student Researcher Training Extension Project



podcast in education, teaching methodologies, student researcher training extension project


Study of the Podcast as a facilitator in interactive teaching-learning. It emphasizes that learning has a social character carried out through interaction between subjects participating in the educational process. In this context, the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) brought challenges to the teaching-learning process with the use of active methodologies, such as Podcasts. Is characterized as an educational tool for the web environment, which has audio as the main means of communication. It aims to investigate the implications of using the Podcast tool in the teaching-learning process based on its application in training activities developed by the Student Researcher Training Extension Project (PEFDP), according to the opinion of scholarship students and those served by the project. It uses action research as a methodology through the report on the construction of the Podcast by the PEFDP team of teachers and monitors. It concludes that actions at this level collaboratively involve the entire team through planning, execution and actions permeated by the use of this active teaching-learning methodology.


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How to Cite

PECEGUEIRO, C. M. P. A.; VETTER, S. M. J.; MARINHO, R. R.; FREITAS, G. L.; ALENCAR, M. G. S. P. The Podcast as a teaching tool in the Student Researcher Training Extension Project. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação, São Paulo, p. 1–16, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.