The information literacy of the students of the Graduate Course in Distance Library Science at the Federal University of Bahia



informational literacy, graduates, Librarianship


Information constitutes an essential input to the history of societies, passing through  human transformations, which begins with the development of the first labor instruments  and advances to the advent and consolidation of digital information and communication  technologies. Thus, librarians and documentalists need to pay attention to changes in  contemporary society, always paying attention to operations related to the  representation, organization and dissemination of content aimed at information users.  Based on the above preamble, this article sought to investigate how students of the  Distance Learning Undergraduate Library Science (BibEaD) course at the Federal  University of Bahia (UFBA) understand the theme associated with information literacy.  To fulfill the objective of the research, we determined the methodological procedures with  a qualitative and technical approach and instrument with the application of the electronic  questionnaire to a group of 10 (ten) students. The survey results revealed that the  respondents' understanding of the disciplines contributes to the development of  information literacy; we also recovered the conception of the investigated students in  relation to the theme “information literacy”. The final considerations highlight the  importance of investigating the understanding of the students of the Graduate Course in  Distance Library Science (BibEaD) at UFBA on the theme associated with information  literacy, associating theory and practice in the continuous learning process.


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How to Cite

MORAIS, R. S.; SANTOS, J. C. S.; ARAÚJO, R. C. S. The information literacy of the students of the Graduate Course in Distance Library Science at the Federal University of Bahia. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação, São Paulo, p. 1–17, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.