Sociotechnical network of digital information in basic and public education in the State of Bahia



information, digital technologies, sociotechnical networks, basic education, Bahia


This work addresses the sociotechnical network, digital information and the promotion of a reliable network through technology. It aims to describe how the sociotechnical network in Education in Bahia promotes access to digital information, interacting in basic and public education in the state by analyzing the information shared between the Department of Education and its school network in the 417 municipalities of Bahia on the official portal of the public agency. The methodology used is documental and bibliographical, which can be inferred, after qualitative analysis of the information, that the sociotechnical network, through the official portal of Education in Bahia, brings together different contents based on school education and partnerships with other agencies that promote education. research, innovation and technologies that invest in this educational niche. The official portal is informative, updated, but simple in its institutional design, bringing together other social networks, such as Facebook (Meta), Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, among other digital networks to share official information with teachers, coordinators, students and their families, Bahian society and education partners in Brazil and the world. The Portal is considered one of the sociotechnical networks of basic and public education in Bahia, using technologies for the dissemination and democratization of information in digital format, promoting more transparency in public policies and in the provision of services to society in general that has access to the internet network and digital devices for the use of basic and public education information in Bahia.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, E. J. .; SOUZA, R. M. L. Sociotechnical network of digital information in basic and public education in the State of Bahia. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação, São Paulo, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.