Internship in Teaching in the Post-Graduation in Information Science
experiences and experiential meanings in the discipline of Methodology of Scientific Work
Teaching Internship, Teaching in Higher Education, Postgraduate Teacher Training, Stricto Sensu Training in Information ScienceAbstract
Study that aims to report the experiences and meanings experienced in the teaching internship carried out in the discipline of Methodology of Scientific Work in the undergraduate courses in Accounting Sciences and Food Engineering at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). It discusses the contributions of pedagogical mediation in that activity for stricto sensu training in Information Science, as well as the skills developed and formative aspects combined in the exercise of higher education by graduate students in IC. This is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, operationalized through field research, through immersion in the reality of the teaching internship, carried out between August and December 2023. Participant observation was adopted as an instrument for data collection and the experience report as a technique. It discusses information and pedagogical mediation in the teaching internship in dialogue with Gomes (2020), Rabello (2023), Castro and Almeida Júnior (2022), Ferreira and Santos Neto (2016), Paulo Freire (2019), Chaves and Cavalcante (2023), Fortunato, Araujo and Medeiros (2023), among others. Based on the evidence, it is stated that the course of practices and experiences in the reported teaching internship and their interfaces with the theoretical framework worked on in this study demonstrates the contribution of this activity to the training of graduate students in IC, while enabling the exercise of higher education with the monitoring of a professor. Recognizes, from what has been reported, that teaching in Higher Education is challenging, as it is a complex environment that demands specific knowledge and skills different from those consolidated in graduation, especially when it comes to bachelor courses (Library Science, Archival Science, among others).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maurício José Morais Costa, Italo Teixeira Chaves, Maria Cleide Rodrigues Bernadino

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