Curricularization of the extension in graduation in Library and Documentation



Curricularization of extension, Higher education, Librarianship and Documentation


The curricularization of extension is the process that makes extension a compulsory part of the workload of higher education courses in Brazil. Regulated by a resolution issued by the Ministry of Education, it establishes guidelines, principles, foundations and procedures that must be observed when planning and implementing extension. This demand involves, in particular, the teams of the Structuring Teaching Centers and collegiate bodies of Higher Education Institutions. The question is, how can curricularization be a practice that effectively contributes to the education of library science students? Based on this guiding question, the general objective of this work is to present the process of implementing the curricularization of extension in the undergraduate course in Library Science and Documentation at the Federal University of Bahia. Specifically, the aim is to promote a debate on the importance of curricularization in undergraduate Library Science as a compulsory aspect; to reflect on the relationship between extension and social responsibility in the training of students; and to identify possible extension curricularization practices. For the purposes set out, the research was descriptive, using the technique of document analysis with a qualitative methodological approach. The results revealed signs of extension practices in some curricular components, but they are still very incipient in relation to the overall quantity of the curricular matrix; they also pointed to the need for a better understanding on the part of the teaching staff about the characteristics of extension actions and signaled an opportunity for the Institute of Information Science to diversify its extension actions, centered on courses and events, towards the development of curricular actions in the community and society.


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How to Cite

SANTANA, C. S.; SILVA, L. K. R.; SAMPAIO, D. B. Curricularization of the extension in graduation in Library and Documentation. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação, São Paulo, p. 1–16, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.