User journey

log analysis as a methodology for the study of information searching behavior of users of the Portal LexML




Log Analysis; Information Searching Behaviour; Information Retrieval; Information Retrieval Systems.


The exponential growth in the production and storage of information has generated a constant change in the informational behavior of users, requiring the use of methods that assist in the collection of information about these users. The log analysis is one of those methods, as it allows identifying the actions of users of an information system. The present work aims to analyze, using the log analysis methodology, the information searching behavior of users of the Portal LexML. They compose the analysis corpus 882 logs divided into 236 user journeys Methodological path occurred in four stages: Structuring and Organization; Classification and Selection; Validation; Statistical analysis; and User Journey Analysis. As results were observed: (a) low interaction with the system and with high index of modified expressions in the construction of users expressions and search strategies; (b) the construction of strategies that mostly start from the general to the specific; (c) use of legal numbering as the most used terminological resource; (d) a low use of booleans and modifiers. We identified a user profile characterized by simple searches with a low rate of request to the system. It is concluded that the log analysis is a valuable data source for the study of information searching behavior, by bringing a range of available information that can be analyzed, making this an important methodology in the improvement of the SRI and indexing process.


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How to Cite

SANTOS DA ROSA, S.; FERREIRA LAIPELT, R. do C.; MONTEIRO-KREBS, L. User journey: log analysis as a methodology for the study of information searching behavior of users of the Portal LexML. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação, São Paulo, v. 8, 2021. DOI: 10.24208/rebecin.v8i.255. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.