Information flow in the job accumulation commission of the Fed-eral University of Bahia
information flow, mapping, oversightAbstract
This research addresses issues related to studies on the information flow as a tool used in an organization, towards to the improvement in management processes. Its main objective is to map the information flow carried out by the Position Accumulation Monitoring Commission of the Universidade Federal da Bahia about evidence of possible irregularity pointed out by the Federal Court of Auditors, in the exercise of the exclusive dedication regime, with the aim of identifying and proposing improvements in the development of this activity. To achieve this goal, a case study was carried out as a methodological procedure in the inspection of the Federal Court of Auditors. The sample was limited to the study of evidence of possible irregularities committed in the exercise of the regime of exclusive dedication. A bibliographical and documentary research under qualitative nature was done. Data collection was carried out between June 2023 and July 2023, produced by a semi-structured interviews kind, applied to public agents in charge for carrying out the necessary steps to comply with the inspection, as well as unsystematic observation, aiming at mapping the informational flow. The results were submitted to content analysis method, enabling the proposition of improvements in the flow of the researched unit. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that such a study can be reproduced and adapted in federal institutions of higher education that are subject to inspection.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sheila Sampaio Dantas, Sérgio Franklin Ribeiro da Silva

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