Marshall McLuhan and the cyberspace

the environment as informational problem




Cyberspace; Information and technology; Informational environment; Telematic communication; Theory of Information.


With the emergency of information and communication technologies (ICT), the dynamic of human relations has been changed in a drastic way, specially, on the relationship around the State and the Government bodies. This research put the highlights on – questioning about – the role of the Cyberspace in the political and social dynamics; or better: its intents identify the media features about Web as a landmark to that transformations. And for this, relocate the Marshall McLuhan issue: “the medium is the message”. It presents itself as a theoretic and exploratory research, from the specific literature incursions with a bibliographical disposition, to analyze the media concept such as a ground for the particular informational environment. So, as an attainment or research results is expected to formulate a conceptual schema to answer those questions about the role of Cyberspace in the dynamic between State and Society, from the Information Science frameworks and related knowledge areas.


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Author Biographies

Ramon Ordonhes, USP/ECA

doutorando pelo PPGCI/USP-ECA

Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos, UNESP

professora aposentada do PPGCI/Unesp-Marília.


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How to Cite

ORDONHES, R.; VENTURA AMORIM DA COSTA SANTOS, P. L. Marshall McLuhan and the cyberspace: the environment as informational problem. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação, São Paulo, v. 8, 2021. DOI: 10.24208/rebecin.v8i.270. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.